El Nuevo Blog de Aloardi

SCHENGENQUO (aka Christian Galarreta & Julien Ottavi)

SCHENGENQUO (aka Christian Galarreta & Julien Ottavi)

performance and speak around the visa problems.... video stream live!

9 pm tonight!!!!!!!!!!! (poland time) - friday the 10th of november 2006 (video stream start around 8pm)

direct streaming adress:

stream platform :

use VLC as player to read the video en GNU/Linux, MacOS o Window$).

join & interact with schengenquo @


SCHEGENQUO : a live story of Schengen close border system

Se supone que en este momento deberia estar cara a cara con ustedes en Audioart festival, pero ayer las leyes Europeas hicieron imposible que saliera del aeropuerto Orly en Paris, aun con el pasaje comprado. Al parecer contar con un pasaporte peruano es motivo suficiente para despertar la desconfianza y "el miedo al otro" que promueven las autoridades de algunos paises europeos. Yo cuento con una visa para recorrer los estados que conforman el tratado Shengen y me di con la sorpresa de que Polonia, no es considerada parte de este tratado hasta el 1 de Enero de 2007. Aun teniendo los documentos que se me ha obligado a conseguir para venir aqui, constantemente soy impedido de transitar por algunos paises, si es que antes no cuento con un permiso previo que implica retornar a mi pais a hacer los tramites, gastar mucho dinero, tiempo y perder oportunidades de presentar mi trabajo en vivo como lo puede hacer cualquier otro habitante Frances, Aleman, Japones, Estado Unidense, etc.

No intento despertar la compasion de nadie con esto. Simplemente quiero poner en evidencia la ignorancia y el letargo en que esta sumida mucha gente en este lado del mundo. La frustracion que puedo sentir ahora no es nada, en comparacion con la gente que muere a diario cruzando el mar mediterraneo o la frontera entre USA y Mexico, tratando de esquivar los mecanismos de control e intentar salir de la pobreza en que nos tienen sumidos los paises ricos. La libertad de caminar por el mundo en paz solo existe para un pequeño grupo de personas en el mundo. Nos estan cercando y este no es un problema solo mio, es peligroso para todos.

Este streaming de audio y video es la prueba de que Internet y los medios de comunicacion nos permiten atravesar las fronteras y crear colaboracion entre comunidades y personas. Es tambien una prueba de que esta creciendo la contradiccion del sistema entre la apertura que traen los medios y el cierre de fronteras que traen las politicas de seguridad. Cuando vamos a pasar de la pantalla a la calle?
Mi relacion con las practicas sonoras experimentales, quiza es una forma de resistencia a un sistema que trata de imponer orden en todo lugar y a todas las personas . No asumo el ruido, las interferencias y la experimentacion como formas esteticas, si no como expresiones de la supervivencia.

Las alternativas descansan en los desordenes que podamos generarar?


SCHEGENQUO : a live story of Schengen close border system

In this moment I should be facing you in the Audioart festival, but yesterday European laws prevented me from flying out of the Orly airport in Paris, even though I had the plane ticket bought. It seems that to have a peruvian passport is a sufficient reason to provoque the mistrust and the " fear of the other" that some European countries autorities promote. I have a visa to go through the states which have signed the Schengen treaty and I was surprised to discover that Poland was not considered as part of this treaty untill the 1rst of january 2007. Even though I have the papers that I was obliged to ask to be able to come here, I am still forbidden to cross some countries, if before I don't get a permit, which involves going back to my country to get new papers, spending a lot of money, losing time and opportunities to present my work as anyone from France, Germany, Japan, United States, etc. can do.

I don't intend anyone to have pity on me about this. I only want to underline the ignorance and lethargy to which most of the people of this side of the world are submitted. The frustation I can now feel is nothing in comparison with the people who die every day trying to cross the mediterranean sea or the border between the USA and Mexico, trying to escape the mecanisms of control and the poverty in which the rich countries maintain us. The freedom to travel peacefully around the world only exists for small groups of persons. They are locking us out and this is not a problem only for me but for everyone.

This audio and video streaming is the proof that Internet and the media of communications allow us to cross the borders and create collaborations between communities and persons. But it is also the proof that the contradiction is growing between the opening carried out by the media and the closing of borders carried out by security policies. When will we pass from the screen to the streets?

My relation with the experimental sound practices is in some way a form of resistance to a system which tries to impose order everywhere and on everyone. I don't consider noise, interferences and experimentation as esthetic forms, but as expressions of a struggle to survive.

Alternatives lie in the disorder that we can generate ?

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